Want to lose body fat? If this is something you would like to achieve, then I will work with you to create a plan in which we assess your current nutrition and activity levels and gradually improve these to help lose body fat. This is not a quick fix, but you will learn skills for life about nutrition and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If you are wanting to achieve a “toned” aesthetic, then this is where building muscle comes in. The more you can strengthen your body by increasing muscle mass, the more “toned” you will look. Now to a lot of females this may be daunting, but I can promise you, that you won’t look bulky or look like a body builder (unless this is what you would like!). I work with you to strengthen your body, which helps to improve overall posture, and complete day to day activities with ease.

Fitness is viewed as an escape for some people, and incorporating exercise in to your routine can have beneficial effects on your mental health too. I will work with you to create a routine that fits in to your daily life which will also promote a healthy wellbeing, and help you to feel great!

This is something I am really passionate about, due to so many influencers in the online world now, we are lead to believe we should look a certain way and feel awful if we don’t. Whilst working with me we will work together to create a positive attitude towards your body and you will learn to love yourself and appreciate what your body can do!